Rev. ed. of: California style manual / by Robert E. Formichi. 3rd ed. c1986.
NLRB Style Manual: A Guide for Legal Writing in Plain English
A new book dealing with the fundamentals of legal writing and research. Each chapter focuses only on the essential skills needed for success in the paralegal field. Topics include primary...
This paralegal-specific introduction has extensive writing and computerized legal research sections, as well as a Student Workbook and software program supplement designed for "hands-on" experience. The book is organized and...
This book is designed for a typical first semester Legal Research and Writing program that focuses on legal research, objective legal writing, and legal analysis. Murray and DeSanctis employ the...
This edition is designed to accommodate either a focus on individual documents one at a time or a focus on transferable skills. Revised and expanded chapters on the skills of...
This book introduces law students and young lawyers to the various forms of legal writing. Unlike other books, it integrates legal ethics and professional responsibilities into the field of legal...
Not long ago, an appellate court fined a lawyer for filing an "incomprehensible brief." That negligence hurt the lawyer's wallet and reputation, but his carelessness hurt his client's case even...
"This concise text for international lawyers and LL.M. students offers a simple, straightforward approach to analyzing and communicating the law in the United States. Using extensive examples and exercises, McGregor...
A revision of Neumann's very successful basic legal writing text, this edition continues to give a strong foundation in legal analysis and to writing while refining and further improving the...