-- Foreword by John Dawson, who calls author Fawn Parish "a modern Deborah". -- Honor is the key to resolving conflict. -- Honor is how God designed relationships to work. -- Honoring others recognizes and releases their full potential. God honors all men and women, creating them in His image. He crowns His children with glory and honor, seating us with Christ in the heavenly realms, and He invites us to share this wonderful gift with others. Seeing our culture through the eyes of Jesus, this powerfully prophetic book calls Christians everywhere to give up their self-righteous anger, and instead woo this lost world to the beauty and splendor of Jesus by loving what God loves and esteeming what He esteems.
His Days, My Praise: Daily Devotions for Women
9 Like a thorn that goes up into the hand of a drunkard is a proverb in the mouth of fools . 17 He who meddles in a quarrel not his own is like one who takes a passing dog by the ears . DAY TWENTY - SIX Chapter 26 O Lord , Help me to ...
In this book, Karen Andreola draws from her decades of parenting, homeschooling, and marriage to encourage you in your own growth as a mother, teacher, and wife.
Signs of Life
So God Said to Me -
The Collected Writings of William Still: Theological studies
This book is William Still's exploration of the work of Christ and the walk of the Christian. "This book is small in size but seed-like in nature.
Sin Boldly: But Trust God More Boldly Still
Chapter 6 : Esteem Yourself Brand , Paul and Yancey , Philip . In His Image . Grand Rapids , MI : Zondervan Publishing House , 1984 . Wagner , Maurice . The Sensation of Being Somebody . Grand Rapids , MI : Zondervan Publishing House ...
A book to change your life! Hospital chaplain William Miller tells how to channel the dark, undesirable side of your personality into a constructive force.