It’s what you’d want if you were attending an important event: a front row seat. That way you’d be guaranteed a great view, and up close and personal look at the performance. No wonder the best seats are sold at a massive premium. Jesus made the decision to allow his three closest friends, Peter, James and John, access to a number of episodes that nobody else - the rest of the disciples included - enjoyed. These were not VIP passes. It isn’t that Jesus considered the three to be more important or significant than the others, but there were strategic reasons for their inclusion. Over the next couple of months, we’ll take a seat alongside them, and see what we can glean from the unique vantage point they enjoyed. As they watched a young girl being raised from the dead, were stunned on the Mount of Transfiguration, and then fought sleep in Garden of Gethsemane, we’ll ask: how did these episodes shape their faith, and prepare them for the joy and pains that they would face as they moved toward apostolic responsibility? And what can we learn from their journey?
A comprehensive guidebook to urban exploration, a thrilling, mind-expanding hobby that encourages our natural instincts to explore and play in our own environment. Includes everything you need to begin exploring...
If you are backstage, in front of the mic or behind the sound booth this book needs to be in your toolbox for constant reference.
Read chapter two.) Best of all, Scott seemingly lacks the ability to be embarrassed, making Access All Areas howlingly funny, self-deprecating, and every bit as brash and brazen as one would expect from one of the original architects of ...
Funny, shocking and always entertaining, this is the Secret Footballer at his most revealing and irreverent yet.
Lily Taylor’s life has been transformed twice – once by the music she loves, and then by the chance to make a career following her passion – writing about the business.
Birmingham, early 1990s.
Rhodes House; Alexander Maitland; David Marx for gun lessons; Douglas Matthews for another index; Reginald Piggott for maps; Brian Rice; Caspar and Sue Tiarks; John Richens at University College Hospital in London for syphilis tuition; ...
Featuring stunning visuals that encapsulate the essence of zoos, aquariums, and wildlife parks, Behind the Scenes at the Zoo is the perfect way to experience those hidden lives in a way that you've never imagined.
A revolutionary manifesto from the legendary Sir Lenny Henry reveals why diversity in the media is vital, and shows us how we can set about achieving it.
"World Health Organization (WHO) has drawn up a comprehensive set of strategies to help countries encourage health workers to live and work in remote and rural areas.