Faith in the Age of Reason: The Enlightenment from Galileo to Kant

Faith in the Age of Reason: The Enlightenment from Galileo to Kant
History / Social History
InterVarsity Press
Jonathan Hill


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.So begins Charles Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities. And without doubt the Age of Reason--the Enlightenment--was a period unlike any other. In many respects it was during this time that the modern world was forged.It was a time when worldviews clashed and new ways of seeing and understanding emerged. And it was in the arena of religion, above all, that this clash took place. Our modern ideas of religion, our modern ideas of science, and our perspectives on the interaction between religion and science were developed as the Enlightenment gathered momentum and encountered opposition.In this volume, part of the IVP Histories series, Jonathan Hill examines the Age of Reason, spanning the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He begins by describing how the Middle Ages came to an end with the Renaissance and the Reformation, setting the scene for the Enlightenment. He then takes you on a fascinating tour of the central themes and characters of this turbulent period. Themes covered include: the churches, the new science, the new philosophy, the question of authority, politices and society, God, humanity and the world, the reaction and the legacy. Key figures you'll encounter include Samuel Johnson, Galileo, Newton, Descartes, Hume, Voltaire, Pascal, Locke, Diderot, Rousseau and Kant.Packed with centuries worth of fascinating prose and beautiful four-color art yet small enough to fit in your pocket, Faith in the Age of Reason offers a wonderfully rich and enjoyable exploration of one of great perioed of human history.

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