Defining prayer simply as "calling on the name of the Lord," Millar follows the contours of the Bible's teaching on prayer. In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, he shows how prayer is intimately linked with the gospel and how it is primarily to be understood as asking God to deliver on his promises.
In this groundbreaking new book, R. Albert Mohler Jr. recaptures the urgency and transformational nature of the prayer, revealing once again its remarkable, world-upending power.
Michael J. Chan and Brent A. Strawn, Siphrut 14 (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2015), 225-35. 10Terence E. Fretheim, Exodus, Interpretation (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2010), 175. 11Fretheim, Exodus, 175.
A Simple Way to Touch the Lord
Lesson Book: Knowing and Experiencing Life
Fifteen years after its original publication comes a thoroughly revised edition of the Evangelical Dictionary of Theology. Every article from the original edition has been revisited.
If we are not in the Spirit, we are not in the oneness, but in division. In The Spirit and the Body Witness Lee presents clear and penetrating examples that test whether our living is genuinely in the Spirit and in the Body.
The NIV is the world's best-selling modern translation, with over 150 million copies in print since its first full publication in 1978.
Pray-reading the Word
The Disciples used this link and it will surely be a link that will uplift your relationship with God. This book reveals the dynamics of calling and crying unto the name of the Lord.
Paragraph headings make that flow of thought explicit to you, speeding your understanding of the NT books.