The university world can be a confusing place, filled with many competing worldviews and perspectives. Beliefs and values are challenged at every turn. But Christians need not slip into the morass of easy relativism. David Horner restores sanity to the collegiate experience with this guide to thinking and flourishing as a Christian. Carefully exploring how ideas work, he gives you essential tools for thinking contextually, thinking logically and thinking worldviewishly. Here Horner meets you where faith and reason intersect and explores how to handle doubts, with an eye toward not just thinking clearly but also living faithfully. This is the book every college freshman needs to read. Don't leave home without it.
But in practice losing your faith usually means something else. Since you need some kind of guide to find your way around in life, losing confidence in the message of one faith typically means acquiring a different faith.
Mind Your Faith is a broad introduction to various avenues of biblical apologetics.
R. C. Sproul surveys the history and fundamentals of apologetics to show that reason and scientific inquiry can be strong allies in defending the existence of God and the authority of the Bible.
What does He expect of us? And how can we be more like Him? Navigator author Jerry Bridges presents the essential elements of Christian life in a highly readable, practical form that men, women, and teens can enjoy.
Also see the authoritative book edited by Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby, Fundamentalisms Observed. 309 A typical and influential example of fundamentalist prophecy is Hal Lindsey's The Late Great Planet Earth (New York: Bantam, ...
Development and Faith explores and highlights promising partnerships in the world between secular and faith development entities. It recounts the evolving history of relationships between faith and secular development institutions.
This beautifully written essay by Richard Hughes counters the widespread perception of Christians as steeped in narrowness and dogmatism and provides a powerful argument that faith, properly pursued, in fact nourishes the openness and ...
While David was covering the White House, he had the unusual experience of being asked by President George W. Bush "How's your faith?" David's answer was just emerging.
Collects the thoughts of pastors, counselors, doctors, and health researchers on the efficacy and practice of prayer
Through his vivid stories, you'll catch a glimpse of the dynamic work of the Holy Spirit to guide and empower you even when you feel uncomfortable or don't know what to say or do.