A 2001 Christianity Today Award of Merit winner! The concept of truth as absolute, objective and universal has undergone serious deterioration in recent years. No longer is it a goal for all to pursue. Rather postmodernism sees truth as inseparable from culture, psychology, race and gender. Ultimately, truth is what we make it to be. What factors have accelarated this decay of truth? Why are people willing to embrace such a devalued concept? How does this new view compare and contrast with a Christian understanding? While postmodernism contains some truthful insights (despite its attempt to dethrone truth), Douglas Groothuis sees its basic tenets as intellectually flawed and hostile to Christian views. In this spirited presentation of a solid, biblical and logical perspective, Groothuis unveils how truth has come under attack and how it can be defended in the vital areas of theology, apologetics, ethics and the arts.
"Truth Decay" refers to a diminishing reliance on facts and analysis observed in contemporary U.S. society, and especially its political discourse.
Truth Decay exposes the moral slime that occurs when a nation exchanges God's truth for a lie. This book is a sober warning that while God is America's greatest hope, he is also our greatest threat.
Truth Decay: The Erosion OfTraditional Values in American Culture
This book explores each of these issues and traces their connection to the same root cause: the decay of truth in education.
The authors examine the ways in which media literacy education can be used to counter Truth Decay--the diminishing role that facts, data, and analysis play in political and civil discourse--by changing how people consume, create, and share ...
A Pulitzer Prize-winning critic takes a penetrating look at the cultural forces that contributed to the gathering storm of fake news and presents a path forward for truth-challenged times.
Truth Decay: A Call for Accountability & Transparency in the Adventist Church
Fighting Truth Decay: The Message of Jude
The authors outline a framework for implementing and evaluating media literacy (ML) education, a promising approach to slowing Truth Decay. The report provides a framework for teachers and evaluators furthering their work in ML education.
In this report, the authors address one of Truth Decay's proposed drivers: characteristics of human cognitive processing, such as cognitive biases.