2011 Preaching Today Magazine Book Award winner! The Old Testament is filled with intriguing characters, stories and themes. But preaching from its remote historical context wrapped in sometimes unfamiliar literary genres and narrative devices can be daunting. Based on the conviction that the Old Testament texts are a vital and dynamic part of the Christian canon and pertinent to Christian practice, this stimulating volume offers guidance for expository preaching and practical suggestions for understanding the message of its diverse literature. The chapters cover narrative, plot, characters, genre and preaching from difficult texts. The book concludes with a vital chapter on preaching Christ from the Old Testament, which offers a theological account of biblical interpretation without unnaturally forcing the texts. The contributors are internationally respected evangelical Old Testament scholars, from a wide range of church traditions and global regions, who are also active in preaching: Daniel I. Block, David G. Firth, Grenville J. R. Kent, Paul J. Kissling, Alison Lo, Tremper Longman III, Ernest C. Lucas, R. W. L. Moberly, Laurence A. Turner, Frederico G. Villanueva, Gordon Wenham, H. G. M. Williamson and Christopher J. H. Wright. Here is a book that will help you use all of the Bible's rich resources in preaching the good news of the global kindgom of God.
Reclaiming the Old Testament for the Christian Pulpit
Many of these express regret that the Old Testament has been neglected and argue that it should be reclaimed by the Christian pulpit . This is particularly so in the writings of Elizabeth Achtemeier , Donald Gowan , John Holbert ...
This is a valuable resource that deserves a place on every preacher's bookshelf."-Michael Duduit, editor, Preaching magazine "This is the book I have been waiting for!
Reclaiming the Prophetic Mantle: Preaching the Old Testament Faithfully
This is a version of Christianity we must remember and re-embrace if we want to be salt and light in an increasingly savorless and dark world.
Suggesting specific steps and providing concrete examples, this volume provides a practical guide for preaching Christ from the Old Testament.
Editors Ian Paul and David Wenham present this collection of scholarly reflections on preaching from the New Testament.
b) Exodus 19:5 –6: Israel was to be a priesthood in the midst of the nations We come back again to this key text from Exodus 19. Remember that above we saw how God first of all points to his past grace— “You have seen what I have done” ...
These sermons will have a greater impact on the moral behavior of worshipers.
In this series of messages based on scripture, the author demonstrates the vital applications of the Bible for our times, dealing first with the greater words of faith such as love, grace, and reconciliation.