In this comprehensive study, a New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, G. K. Beale traces the theme of the tabernacle and temple across the storyline of Scripture, illuminating many texts and connections with related themes such as Eden, the cosmos, God's presence and Christ and his people.
Beale and Kim build a bridge from the world of biblical theology to our modern-day life.
Also, Ezekiel's description of the altar (43:15) includes the phrase har'ēl, which, especially given the structural shape itself, is probably to be understood as 'mountain of God' (Albright 1920; Levenson 1994: 92–93).
This second edition of a classic NSBT volume emphasizes how the Bible presents a continuing narrative of God's mission, providing a robust historical and chronological backbone to the unfolding of the early Christian mission.
Jesus healed and exorcised demons out of compassion for the afflicted (1:41; 9:22), but the bigger reason for the miracles was that they testified to his authority and pointed to his unique identity (e.g., 2:1–12).
Countering scholarly tendencies to fragment the text over theological difficulties, this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume contends that Exodus should be read as a unified whole, and that an appreciation of its missionary theme in its ...
His book provides a thoroughly readable and biblically founded blueprint for a renewed vision of the church on mission. I will draw deeply from this book as I teach the next generation of agents of transformation.
Hays has dug a way out of a number of ruts in thinking about the tabernacle and Solomon's temple, and his insights continue to reverberate through his treatment of the temple(s) in the rest of the biblical story.
A Study Guide and a Teacher’s Manual Gospel Principles was written both as a personal study guide and as a teacher’s manual.
This book gives readers a fresh understanding of the life, ministry and teachings of Jesus. It helps to narrow the gap between 'the historical Jesus' and 'the Christ of faith'.
"--Timothy C. Tennent, Asbury Theological Seminary "Based on the whole biblical narrative, this book is a powerful presentation of what it takes for a missional church in the twenty-first century to be 'a light to the nations.