This report analyzes the nature and depth of Moscow's concern about the Strategic Defense Initiatives (SDI) and its implications for future Soviet responses. The authors consider the political-military and technical issues raised for the Soviets by SDI. The study assesses the Soviet declaratory stance on SDI; reviews the evolution and current state of Soviet attitudes toward homeland defense; summarizes key trends in Soviet antiballistic missile and antisatellite technology; considers the actual concerns that may underlie Moscow's propaganda line on SDI; reviews the range of technical responses the Soviets have said they might undertake; and examines the various political, strategic, institutional, and economic determinants that will shape whatever counter-SDI choices the Soviets ultimately adopt. (jhd).
This is a fascinating historic analysis of the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. The Cold War's end was sudden, unpredicted and the seminal...
Amerikanske eksperter skriver om de teknologiske, strategiske og poltitske aspekter af SDI-projektet. Bogen er opdelt i 5 hovedafsnit: 1)Are Ballistic Missile Defenses necessary? Three Perspectives. 2)Point Defenses: Halfway House or...
E20 ; Daniel S. Greenberg , “ ' Star Wars ' — An X - Rated Misadventure , ” Los Angeles Times , Nov. 13 , 1983 , p . 5 ; Art Buchwald , “ Star Wars for Bonzo , " Washington Post , Apr. 5 , 1983 , p . Ci . 8.
This book examines: the Strategic Defense Initiative, the 600 ship Navy, and the hefty increase in the Defense budget.
For a classic analysis of Russia's economic development see Alexander Gerschenkron, “Problems and Patterns of Russian Economic ... On the impact of Marxism–Leninism on Soviet strategic thought see Condoleezza Rice, “The Making of Soviet ...
Roger W. Barnett , " Trans - SALT : Soviet Strategic Doctrine , " Orbis , 19 ( Summer 1975 ) , 554-555 , 558 . 28. Brown , Defense Annual Report FY 1980 , p . 35 ; Marshall , " Arms Competitions , " p .
The Altered Strategic Environment: Toward the Year 2000
This book, first published in 1986, analyses a number of emerging, enduring and neglected issues that affected European security and the stability of the Atlantic Alliance at the end of the Cold War.
In penning this book, New York Times bestselling authors Martin Anderson and Annelise Anderson drew upon their unprecedented access to more than eight million highly classified documents housed within the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library ...
At the University of Chicago, Robert Hutchins, Rexford Tugwell, Stringfellow Barr, and a commission of eminent colleagues issued a “Preliminary Draft of a World Constitution,” replete with Romanesque flourishes like a Chamber of ...