In response to the governmental, military, scholarly, and public need for a detailed and accurate compendium of international terrorist incidents and trends in worldwide terrorist activity, RAND annually publishes a chronology of international terrorism. The chronology contains data on international terrorist incidents since 1968, derived from the open literature--newspapers, journals, radio broadcasts, and the foreign press. It provides a comprehensive database with which trends in various aspects of terrorism can be analyzed. This report details and analyzes incidents recorded in the chronology of international terrorism for 1987. A statistical abstract based on the chronology, as well as several pertinent charts, tables, and a bibliography of terrorist perpetrators, are contained in the appendixes.
This is a print on demand edition of a hard to find publication.
Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1989. Napoleoni, Loretta. Modern Jihad: Tracing the Dollars behind the Terror Networks. London: Pluto Press, 2003. Nathanson, Stephen. “Prerequisites for Morally Credible Condemnations of Terrorism.
... and B. Hoffman (1990), The RAND Chronology of International Terrorism for 1986, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Gardela, K. and B. Hoffman (1991), The RAND Chronology of International Terrorism for 1987, Santa Monica, CA: RAND ...
... Agustin Esquivel Hernandez, Ricardo Guzman, Andres Morante Tiol (also spelled Tipo), and Benjamin Punji Perush. The tribunal also fined the defense attorney 1000 quetzales and ordered him to pay the legal fees within three days.
Five Nationalities Most Often Targeted by International Terrorists for 1987 14. Ten Nationalities with the Most International Terrorist Incidents for 1987 15. Cross-Description of Tactic and Region (From the RAND Chronology of ...
A first look at domestic and international global terrorism events, 1970–1997. ... International terrorism in the 1980s: A chronology of events. ... The Rand chronology of international terrorism for 1987 Santa Monica: RAND.
Two major sets of chronologies of international terrorism were separately developed, one by Edward F. Mickolus, spanning 1980-1987, and the other being the RAND Chronology of International Terrorism, spanning 1980-1988.
Terrorism and Political Violence 10 , no . 2 ( Summer ) . Hoffman , Bruce , and Donna Kim Hoffman . 1997. The RAND - St . Andrews Chronology of International Terrorism , 1994. Santa Monica : RAND . Iglarsh , Harvey J. 1987.
TERRORISM U.S. Congress, U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, ... The CounterTerrorism Handbook: Tactics, Procedures and Techniques. ... The RAND Chronology of International Terrorism for 1988.
1995. 'Islamists: The Division of Europe'. Le Point (Paris), 2 September. Gardela, Karen and Bruce Hoffman. 1990. The RAND Chronology of International Terrorism for 1987. Santa Monica: RAND Corporation R-3890-RC. Hayes, Richard E. 1982.