Uncertainty is of essentially two kinds: statistical uncertainty (variability observed in repeatable phenomena), and state-of-the-world uncertainty (uncertainty about phenomena that are not repeatable, not observed or observable, or both). State-of-the-world uncertainty dominates the wartime scenario and affects peacetime planning as well. This report describes a set of initiatives called CLOUT (coupling logistics to operations to meet uncertainty and the threat) designed to cope with resource shortages caused by poor predictions of demand. The theater-level CLOUT initiatives include (1) lateral repair by bases that have repair capability to support bases that do not; (2) forward stockage for quick response to unsatisfied demands at bases; (3) responsive theater transportation to support lateral resupply, forward stockage, lateral and theater repair, retrograde, and distribution of assets coming into the theater; and (4) improved operating policies and decision rules in prioritizing repair assets and allocating them to bases. The "wholesale" or depot-level CLOUT initiatives include the following: (1) responsive, assured intertheater transportation; (2) enhanced flexibility, responsiveness, and relevance of the depot's repair process; and (3) distribution of serviceable assets that explicitly accounts for mission urgency and the current asset position worldwide.
... logistics”). The Army followed shortly thereafter, developing its velocity ... meet with. In effect, BCPs help DoD focus its leadership and in-house ... Coupling Logistics to Operations to Meet Uncertainty and the Threat (CLOUT): An ...
Audience: Anyone concerned with the science, techniques and ideas of how decisions are made."--BOOK JACKET.
DoD logistics managers can successfully reform the logistics system, achieve high performance in logistics processes, and ensure the effective and efficient provision of support to U.S. military operations now and...
This report explores issues in forecasting and modeling the demand for aircraft recoverable spare parts to improve the Air Force's estimation of spares and repair requirements over quarterly, annual, and...
This report is based on testimony given by Michael Rich to the House Armed Services Committee's Subcommittee on Readiness in February 1986. It traces the evolution of RAND research on...
This document is the final report on RAND's evaluation of the Army's expanded Integrated Sustainment Maintenance (ISM-X) demonstration.