Operation Desert Storm is the closest thing to a laboratory test of the U.S. and Soviet ways of war. More important than what it may tell us about future Russian defense policy, however, is what we may learn from assessment of the war offered by military analysts in Moscow.
The United States provided the bulk of the forces arrayed against Iraq, with the U.S. Army contributing the greatest portion of the ground force. The Whirlwind War tells the story of this pivotal chapter in the Army's history.
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm: Hearings Before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, One Hundred Second Congress, First Session,...
... ARCENT, G3, ARCENT Morning Briefing, Saturday, 23 February 1991 (D+37)." On 12 January, as the 15 January UN deadline approached, General Friz noted to General Taylor that host-nation drivers were starting to quit in large numbers.
Gulf War Air Power Survey
The official U.S. Army account of Army performance in the Gulf War, Certain Victory was originally published by the Office of the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, in 1993.
This collection of essays reflects the proceedings of a 1991 conference on "The United States Air Force: Aerospace Challenges and Missions in the 1990s," sponsored by the USAF and Tufts University.
U.S. Air Force Major Michael Donnelly was diagnosed with ALS, Lou Gehrig's Disease, after his tour of duty in Desert Storm.
The hypothesis of this book is that the deterrence of war in the traditional sense has been internalized and turned back upon the Western powers, producing a form of self-deterrence which renders them incapable of realizing their own power ...
A commentated new translation of the Book of Psalms seeks to preserve and convey its powerful message and musical rhythms while lending insight into the text's obscurities, in a volume by the acclaimed translator of the Five Books of Moses. ...
Blitzkrieg to Desert Storm provides that grounding as it addresses the future of operational-level warfare in the post–9/11 era.