This report explores issues in forecasting and modeling the demand for aircraft recoverable spare parts to improve the Air Force's estimation of spares and repair requirements over quarterly, annual, and longer planning horizons. Specifically, it demonstrates the utility of approaches that account explicitly for nonstationarity and their superiority over current methods used by the Air Force Materiel Command for these purposes. The authors recommend using a weighted regression, a special case of the Kalman filter, for forecasting demand for high-demand items. This approach is a logical extension of Bayesian statistics, which explicitly accounts for nonstationarity in stochastic processes, assigning greater weight to more recent than to less recent demands. Coupled with an improved approach to variance estimation that assigns greater uncertainty to longer planning horizons than to shorter ones, this holds the promise of reducing the cost of spares investments while achieving adequate levels of system performance.
This project examined the extent of cross-leveling during Desert Shield and Desert Storm, the reasons for it, the likelihood of serious personnel shortfalls in future deployments, and, based on these findings, the types of policies that ...
Joyce Seltzer , my editor , and other members of the Free Press staff performed superhuman labors to publish the manuscript in rapid ... John J. Mearsheimer , Sam C. Sarkesian , David R. Segal , John Alden Williams , and Frank R. Wood .
... the initial evolution of the Pave Low program from Sikorsky's perspective . The Pentagon is a rich source of information , and I was able to do some significant research there , graciously supported by Col Henry Sanders and the ...
International criminal networks mainly from Latin America and Africa -- some with links to terrorism -- are turning West Africa into a key global hub for the distribution, wholesaling, and production of illicit drugs.
... as well as the other reports on defense organization done by the Carter administration , see Barrett , Archie D. , Reappraising Defense Organization ... See , for example , the testimony of Admiral Thomas H. Moorer , Ibid . , pp .
Describes the life, achievements, rise to power, and influences of the military leader who crowned himself Emperor of the French and established dominance over Europe.
Recent greater reliance on reserve forces has made it important to understand how reserve mobilizations affect the attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors of reservists, their families, and their civilian employers.
This annotated briefing examines the incentives of participants in the Air Force's sourcing process.
Soviet Military Encyclopedia, Volume 2
Fuller had to show , in other words , that Grant was imaginative ; in a word , no Haig . This was at the bottom of his differences with Liddell Hart over the American Civil War . A convinced Sherman partisan , Liddell Hart saw Grant as ...