Dyna-METRIC Version 6 is a capability assessment model that relates logistics resources and pipelines to wartime readiness and sustainability. Developed for logisticians to improve wartime logistics support, the various versions of Dyna-METRIC assess the effect of wartime dynamics and repair constraints and provide operational performance measures. Version 6 improves upon earlier model versions by incorporating a more fully developed representation of the repair process and its constraints. It also considers the effects of additional sources of uncertainty and some strategies that might mitigate that uncertainty.
As of November 9, 2007: http://www.rand.org/pubs/reports/R3389/ Isaacson, Karen E., and Patricia Boren, Dyna-METRIC Version 6: An Advanced Capability Assessment Model, Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND Corporation, R-4214-AF, 1993.
RAND's Dynamic Multi-Echelon Technique for Recoverable Item Control (Dyna-METRIC, version 6) was one of the early popular simulation models developed for Air Force problems in reparable inventory theory.18 Previous, analytic versions of ...
The principal conclusion of this research is that the Air Force should use DRIVE (Distribution and Repair in Variable Environments) in a desktop environment for central stock leveling, but only...
On 1 July 1991, the Tactical Air Command (TAC) and Air Force Logistics Command (AFLC) began a demonstration of a two-levels-of- maintenance concept for avionics. The 388th Tactical Fighter Wing...
This report discusses data and data processing issues that are important to the estimation of requirements for aircraft recoverable spares and, especially, depot-level repair. To the extent that the requirements...
In light of increasing economic and international threats, military operations must be examined with a critical eye in terms of process design, management, improvement, and control.
Uncertainty is of essentially two kinds: statistical uncertainty (variability observed in repeatable phenomena), and state-of-the-world uncertainty (uncertainty about phenomena that are not repeatable, not observed or observable, or both). State-of-the-world...
Steady-state approximations for a multi-echelon multiindentured repairable-item inventory system. European Journal of Operational ... Dyna-METRIC version 4: Modeling worldwide logistics support of aircraft components. Report R-3389-AF, ...
Not the same as quantity per application (except for LRUs). shop replaceable unit; a subcomponent of an LRU, ... Isaacson, K., P. Boren, C. Tsai, and R. Pyles, Dyna-METRIC Version 4: Modeling Worldwide Logistic Support of Aircraft ...
This report explores issues in forecasting and modeling the demand for aircraft recoverable spare parts to improve the Air Force's estimation of spares and repair requirements over quarterly, annual, and...