PACER SHARE is a five-year demonstration whose purpose is to determine whether several changes in federal civil service practices will improve organizational productivity, flexibility, and quality of worklife while at...
Compendium of Labor - Management Cooperation Activities in the Federal Government . ... U.S. Office of Personnel Management , PACER SHARE : A Federal Productivity and Personnel Management Demonstration Project , Fourth - Year Evaluation ...
The development of a climate that serves as a catalyst in releasing team members ' creativity cannot be understated . As Fuji Film human resources manager ... Process and Performance in Multicultural Teams . ... Real Dream Teams .
Hearings on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1992 and 1993--H.R. 2100 and Oversight of Previously Authorized Programs Before...
Pacer Share productivity andpersonnel management demonstration: Thirdyear evaluation. santa Monica, Ca: national Defense research Institute. osborne, D., and t. Gaebler. 1992. Reinventinggovernment: How the entrepreneurial spirit is ...