This project examined the extent of cross-leveling during Desert Shield and Desert Storm, the reasons for it, the likelihood of serious personnel shortfalls in future deployments, and, based on these findings, the types of policies that could enhance the RC's readiness to deal with future contingencies.
RAND has developed the Readiness Enhancement Model, a personnel inventory projection model for the Army's Reserve Components. The model supported research carried out under the Arroyo Center's Reserve Component personnel...
Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Army's management and oversight of its full-time support (FTS) program, which provides personnel to Army National Guard and reserve components to assist with the administration, ...
Supporting the Reserve Components as an Operational Reserve and Key Reserve Personnel Legislative Initiatives: Hearing Before the Military Personnel Subcommittee...
Army Reserve, Army National Guard, and Air National Guard Readiness, Training, and Operations: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Readiness of...
The Reserve Components as an Operational Force: Potential Legislative and Policy Changes : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Military Personnel...
The number of reservists deployed increased through fiscal year 2003 and remained stable through fiscal year 2005. The majority of reservists have been deployed once.
This report reviews the state of the art in readiness and sustainability measurement and develops a strategic concept design for measurements that would better serve high-level defense decisionmakers. The authors...
Reserve Component Programs: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Personnel of the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, One Hundred...
Military Personnel: Top Management Attention Is Needed to Address Long-Standing Problems with Determining Medical and Physical Fitness of the Reserve...
Today, USAR and ARNG personnel serving with their active components are a common sight and are transparent in many areas of operation.