Recent history provides evidence that U.S. participation in future urban military operations is inevitable; past events reflect that these operations are extraordinary in their demands on ground and air forces. This report draws on a review of relevant literature, service doctrine, training, and emerging technologies to assess U.S. military preparedness to undertake military operations on urbanized terrain (MOUT). Its concluding pages offer observations and preliminary recommendations addressing identified shortfalls. These recommendations include: (1) The four services should adopt Marine Corps Warfighting Publication 3-35.3 as the initial foundation for a more comprehensive doctrine on joint MOUT; (2) the U.S. Army Center for Lessons Learned should publish a MOUT lessons-learned bulletin; (3) include realistic consideration of operations in urban environments during service and joint exercises; (4) include MOUT considerations in the development of new technologies; (5) provide cadre at urban operations training sites; and (6) provide for complete instrumentation of selected Combat Training Center MOUT facilities.
The mobility of researchers is an important component of the strategy to build a European Research Area.
MUSEUMS The following is a list of museums with film programs , compiled from the Official Museum Directory ( Washington , D.C .: American Association of Museums , 1975 ) . Check the " Weekend ” section on Friday in The Washington Post ...
Directory of Research Grants, 1995
[103]张捷,温明华,吕淑菲.知识经济与21世纪旅游、闲暇业[J].北京: 旅游学刊,1998(4):45一47. [104]张捷,王森,任黎秀,闲暇、城市闲暇业及其持续发展邹议[J]。南京大学学报(人文版),1998(2). [105]张维迎,企业的企业家一契约理论[M],上海:上海人民出版社 ...
Government Research Directory
It concludes with a proposed training strategy that the authors believe is more appropriate and useful for meeting the challenges posed to the Army by personnel turbulence, split-based operations, increased reliance on information, and ...
Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide
Designed as a self-contained guide, this clear and efficient handbook takes students through the steps and strategies of writing research papers in many disciplines. It introduces two documentation styles for...
Writing the Modern Research Paper is a practical and contemporary guide to writing research papers, offering students advice on how to think critically throughout the research process. Designed as a...
This annotated reference provides information on the copyright status of over 20,000 features, short films, television programs, and documentaries. The United States copyright system allows a film to fall into...