This report assesses Forward Support Location options for intermediate maintenance of fighter aircraft. It identifies feasible sites that meet opertional requirements for potential exeditionary operations and derives estimates of the investment and operating requirements and costs.
This report addresses support of emerging Air Force employment strategies associated with Expeditionary Aerospace Forces (EAFs).
This report addresses support of emerging Air Force employment strategies associated with Expeditionary Aerospace Forces (EAFs).
The Air Force has begun to reorganize into an Expeditionary Aerospace Force (EAF).
The goal of the Expeditionary Aerospace Force (EAF) concept is to rely on rapidly deployable, immediately employable, highly effective and flexible air and space packages to flexibly serve the strategic...
In the years to come, the effectiveness of the Expeditionary Aerospace Force (EAF)--which organizes the U.S. Air Force to respond rapidly and efficiently to national security threats--will pivot largely on...
Anticipating varied and fast-breaking regional crises in the future, the United States is reassessing how it prepares, maintains, and employs its military forces.
A good deal of attention has been given to determining AEF composition and scheduling AEF deployments. Less attention has been given to strategic decisions that affect combat support infrastructures for enabling rapid deployments.