Uses the Office of Personnel Management's Human Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework, which advocates strategic alignment, workforce planning and development, and leadership and knowledge management, to assess the U.S. civilian personnel and staffing requirements for stability and reconstruction operations.
Feil, Scott, et al., Joint Interagency Evaluation: Civil Reconstruction and Stabilization Reaction Force, ... and Deanna Weber Prine, Stabilization and Reconstruction Staffing: Developing U.S. Civilian Personnel Capabilities, ...
U.S. experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan have demonstrated that improving U.S. capacity for stabilization and reconstruction operations is critical to national security.
"This volume sheds much-needed light on Iran's strikingly complex political system and foreign policy and its central role in the region.
A Reliance on Smart Power: Reforming the Public Diplomacy Bureaucracy : Hearing Before the Oversight of Government Management, the Federal...
28 John B. Taylor, Global Financial Warriors: The Untold Story of International Finance in the Post-9/11 World (New York: W.W. Norton, 2007), 243. 29 John B. Taylor, Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs, ...
Nomination of Hillary R. Clinton to be Secretary of State: Hearing Before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate,...
Product Description: The billions of dollars expended in Iraq constitute the largest relief and reconstruction exercise in American history. SIGIR's lessons learned capping report characterizes this effort in four phases...
The IPC will be a civilian stability and reconstruction planning team embedded in a Geographical Combatant Command (GCC) or other appropriate military command that works with that staff to lead civilian ...
16 The personnel issue (sufficiency, availability, recruitment) is dealt with at length in: Terrence K. Kelly, Ellen E. Tunstall, Thomas S. Szayna, and Deanna Weber Prine, Stabilization and Reconstruction Staffing: Developing U.S. ...
Government organizations often commission studies to estimate what staffing is required to undertake the assigned ... “Stabilization and Reconstruction Staffing: Developing U.S. Civilian Personnel Capabilities,” RAND, MG-580-RC, 2008.