Analysis of Strategy and Strategies of Analysis

Analysis of Strategy and Strategies of Analysis
Political Science / Security (National & International)
Rand Corporation
Paul K. Davis, David C. Gompert, Duncan Long


This monograph explores new ideas for analyzing national defense strategy, building on concepts that enjoy credence in the defense world while borrowing other concepts from the business world. It is the companion of a longer analytical report on the same subject. Both result from a study of how to assess the implications of national defense strategy, conducted by RAND at the behest of the Joint Staff's J-8 and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. For decades, RAND has partnered with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) in developing and using methods of analysis to solve complex defense problems. From the early days of systems analysis and cost-benefit analysis to the recent advent of capabilities-based planning and portfolio management, RAND has sought useful methods wherever they might be found, and it has invented others. In this study, methods that have proved successful in complex corporations are examined for their potential value in setting and assessing national defense strategy. These methods are driven by the imperative to focus capabilities and align resources toward goals in a dynamic environment, fundamentally the same imperative currently facing DoD as it strives for "jointness" in an unsettled security environment. This is an auspicious time to combine ideas from corporate success with methods developed over the last decade at RAND and elsewhere to improve the assessment of national defense strategy. The application of these ideas and methods is contained in the companion report. Although each document can stand alone, the authors recommend viewing them in tandem. Both should be of interest to practitioners and researchers concerned with connecting the ends with the means of national defense strategy. This essay may be of greater value to decision makers, but the main report will be of particular interest to persons with responsibility to perform the analysis.

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