In 2007, the Tianjin Binhai New Area (TBNA) and one of its administrative zones, the Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA), in northeast China commissioned the RAND Corporation to perform a technology-foresight study to help them develop and implement a strategic vision and plan for economic growth through technological innovation. The principal objectives were to identify the most-promising emerging technology applications for TBNA and TEDA to pursue as part of their plan for growth, to analyze the drivers and barriers they would face in each case, and to recommend action plans for each technology application (TA). Seven TAs should form a pivotal part of TBNA's comprehensive strategic plan: cheap solar energy; advanced mobile communications and radio-frequency identification; rapid bioassays; membranes, filters, and catalysts for water purification; molecular-scale drug design, development, and delivery; electric and hybrid vehicles; and green manufacturing. The specific action plans can be integrated into an overarching strategic plan that rests on three legs: building a state-of-the-art R & D program; updating and expanding TBNA and TEDA's manufacturing base; and positioning TBNA and TEDA for the global marketplace. The plan offers TBNA a wealth of opportunities that will position it for the future development it envisions, and each TA emerges from one or more of TEDA's current pillar industries, making for a fluid transition that builds on existing strengths.
From the Atlantic Coast to the Caspian Sea Stuart Piggott. of Homer's time or in the far - off western Bronze Age , but ceremony , parade and display are another matter . Buchner ( 1979 ) has drawn attention to the legend , recorded by ...
The millwrights ' and millers ' resistance to Evans's message was so great that their first recorded reaction was : “ It will not do ! it cannot do !! it is impossible that it should do !!! " 9 Nevertheless , Evans persisted in his ...
... 3380 Baker, J. Stannard, 3507 Baker, P.C., 2615 Baker, R.S., 1359 Baker, Richard H., 475 Baker, Robert F., 1491 Bakish, Robert, 1360 Balcomb, J. Douglas, 2576 Balkanski, Minko, 2554 Ballantyne, John, 3545 Ballard, J.R.,2416 Ballard, ...
National Solar Heating and Cooling Information Center , P.O. Box 1607 , Rockville , MD 29850 , toll free ( 800 ) 523-2929 ( from Pennsylvania [ 800 ] 462-4983 ) . Manufacturers and Products : Directories Ann Arbor Science Publishers ...
查尔斯·莱尔爵士的宏伟著作《地质学原理》被后代的历史学家认为是自然科学领域的一场革命,能够读懂此书却不承认过去的时代极为久远的人,请不要再继续读我 ... 拉姆塞和维特克先生曾提起过一个令人印象深刻的发现,即威尔顿地区和横贯英格兰的巨大陡崖线。
(美)桑·C.徐(Sang C.Suh), (美)U.约翰·塔尼克(U.John Tanik), (美)约翰·N.卡蓬(John N.Carbone), (美)阿卜杜拉·埃尔奥卢(Abdullah Eroglu), 牛文生. 记信息等都会留给爱丽丝很大的信息量。在最后一个情形里,关于婚礼的任何一个细节都与爱丽丝的切身利益 ...
我和珍妮知道在何時何地尋找這些小點心,看到今日的孩子被電動遊戲和社交軟體給迷住了,無法進行這種冒險,我就會覺得很可惜。正如前面所說的,野外總有許多安全可食的野生植物,當然也有許多植物是一定要避開的。雖然動物和植物一起演化了幾百萬年, ...
《最震撼的世界未解之谜大全集》精选了关于人类、历史、宫廷、名人、宇宙、地理、动物、植物等多方面的未解之谜及相关知识,全方位、多角度的方式展示了人类文明中诸多领域 ...
Wilson came under attack in part because he made some strong assertions that he didn't ( and I think couldn't ) defend ... “ Most reviewers have found Wilson's ethological analyses and interdisciplinary coverage stimulating , though not ...