Children's exposure to violence (CEV)--including direct child maltreatment, witnessing domestic violence, and witnessing community and school violence--can have serious consequences, including a variety of psychiatric disorders and behavioral problems, such as posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety. Fortunately, research has shown that interventions for cev can substantially improve children's chances of future social and psychological well-being. Safe Start Promising Approaches (sspa) was the second phase of a planned four-phase initiative focusing on preventing and reducing the impact of cev and sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (ojjdp). The rand Corporation conducted the national evaluation of the sspa phase of the initiative, in collaboration with the national evaluation team: ojjdp, the Safe Start Center, the Association for the Study and Development of Communities, and the 15 program sites. The evaluation design involved three components: a process evaluation, including a cost analysis; an evaluation of training; and an outcomes evaluation. This document provides the results for the process and training evaluations. It documents the activities of the 15 sspa programs for the first two years of implementation. The main body of this report synthesizes information across all 15 sites to describe the program and community settings, interventions, and implementations. The appendixes provide a detailed description of each sspa program and the results of the training evaluation. These results will be of interest to clinicians, practitioners, policymakers, community leaders, and others interested in implementing programs for children exposed to violence. The report contains seven chapters following an introduction. Chapter One presents the introduction; and Chapter Two provides background information on the 15 sites across the United States that implemented sspa programs. Chapter Three discusses the various program contexts and how factors associated with these contexts affected the interventions; Chapter Four examines the interventions themselves; and Chapter Five examines how the programs were implemented. Chapter Six discusses additional components of the programs that influenced the implementation of the programs. Chapter Seven presents our conclusions and draws implications for communities and other organizations that are considering developing and implementing similar interventions. Appendix a describes the process and training evaluation methodologies. Appendix b provides a detailed program description for each of the sspa sites. Appendix c presents the results of the training evaluation. (Contains 39 tables, 29 figures, and 31 footnotes.)[This research was conducted under the auspices of the Safety and Justice Program within rand Infrastructure, Safety, and Environment and under rand Health's Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Program.].
"Safe Start Promising Approaches (SSPA) is the second phase of a community-based initiative focused on developing and fielding interventions to prevent and reduce the impact of children's exposure to violence...
... Safe Start Initiative include research and evaluation; training and ... national and local organizations and are discussed below. Research. and ... promising approaches sites. The National Study on Children Exposed to Violence is under ...
This book brings you up to date on the latest developments surrounding genetics and environmental influence, including their intersection in experience-dependent brain development.
This book argues that it is impossible to understand the violence in young children’s lives or to respond to it adequately without considering how embedded it is within their physical surroundings.
Identifies and describes specific government assistance opportunities such as loans, grants, counseling, and procurement contracts available under many agencies and programs.
... 115 Campfield, K. M., 216 Campion, M.A., 275, 282 Campos, B., 235 Canino, G. J., 84 Cantelon, S., 193 Cantor, N., 185 Caplan, G., 19 Caputo, R. K., 179 188, 180 Caputo, T., 214 Carbonell, J., 84 Cardey, R., 212 Carey, J., 276 Cargo, ...
Klein's bachelor's degree, in elementary education, included a special endorsement in social studies, which would allow her to teach seventh- and eighth-graders, with a few courses in child development thrown in.
... H. Reynolds, and S. S. Rising. 2007. Group prenatal care and perinatal outcomes: A randomized controlled trial. Obstetrics & Gynecology 110(2 Pt. 1):330–339. Ickovics, J. R., V. Earnshaw, J. B. Lewis, T. S. Kershaw, U. Magriples, ...
Home visitors also practice incidental teaching, as they find opportunities in their interactions with families to encourage literacy-enhancing activities as a part of daily life. By doing so, visitors model incidental teaching by ...
Safety and Reliability Issues National Research Council, Division on ... promising approaches to developing criteria and suggestions for avoiding ... evaluation and updating of this regulatory framework (see Chapter 9). • Identifies a ...