Marijuana legalization is a controversial and multifaceted issue that is now the subject of serious debate. In May 2014, Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin signed a bill requiring the Secretary of Administration to produce a report about various consequences of legalizing marijuana. This resulting report provides a foundation for thinking about the various consequences of different policy options while being explicit about the uncertainties involved.
This book will also help inform debates as other states consider whether to jump on the marijuana legalization bandwagon.
Already a $9.7 billion dollar industry creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs, legal cannabis is not only one of the fastest growing industries, but it is changing the dynamics of American society.Through interviews and fieldwork, Peter ...
Caulkins, Jonathan P., Beau Kilmer, Robert J. MacCoun, Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, and Peter H. Reuter. ... Cole, James. “Guidance Regarding the Ogden Memo in Jurisdictions Seeking to Authorize Marijuana for Medical Use.
Nancy E. Marion and Joshua B. Hill look at all parties involved in the decriminalization of this drug throughout the US and create a better understanding for the reader of how it has affected more than the individuals using marijuana.
The Science Beyond the Controversy Institute of Medicine, Janet Joy, Alison Mack. become dependent on illicit drugs than are women. The risk of drug dependence for white Americans is approximately double that for African Americans.
This book assembles an international who’s who of cannabis scholars who bring together the best available evidence and expertise to address questions such as: How should we evaluate the models of cannabis legalization as they have been ...
Examines why more and more states are legalizing marijuana for medical purposes, while others are considering legalizing the drug for recreational purposes in order to reap the tax benefits.
The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids provides a comprehensive review of scientific evidence related to the health effects and potential therapeutic benefits of cannabis.
A moneyed , out - of - state elite mounted a cynical and deceptive campaign to push its hidden agenda to legalize drugs , " moaned former Secretary of Health Joe Califano Jr. New York Times columnist A. M. Rosenthal named names .
If you're passionate about marijuana and CBD or just want to learn more about what jobs are out there, this guide will help you find your perfect role within the cannabis industry.