"As the Army reduces its end strength, the number of soldiers leaving the Regular Army has increased, raising concerns about unemployment and other transition problems for these veterans. To help improve the Army's transition assistance process, the authors of this report administered civilian occupation surveys to soldiers in selected Army military occupational specialties (MOSs) to assess the level and importance of the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) needed in these MOSs and to develop better crosswalks between military and civilian occupations. The authors also identified and separately analyzed survey questions associated with soft skills, such as leadership, teamwork, and attention to detail, to assist soldiers with translating their Army experience for civilian employers. The occupation surveys generated a rich database that was used to characterize the KSAs needed by Army soldiers to perform their MOSs, as well as other occupation attributes, such as work activities, work context, and work style. Furthermore, the crosswalks generated from the survey responses identified both a broader range of military-civilian occupation matches and higher-quality matches than existing crosswalks. Based on these results, we recommend that the Army communicate information about these job matches to both soldiers and potential employers and that it expand use of the occupation surveys to develop crosswalks for additional MOSs"--Publisher's description.
The RAND Corporation published Helping Soldiers Leverage Army Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities in Civilian Jobs (Wenger et al., 2017; https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/ RR1719.html). This is an exceptional study that focused on ...
The Multi-Skilled Soldier: Concept Considerations for Army Implementation
Throughout America's history, U.S. Army officers have played an integral role in the formulation and execution of its national security policy. Future national security challenges will be markedly different from...
Efficient talent employment is at the core of the Army Officer Human Capital Model. However, the Army's current employment paradigm is unequal to the needs of a professional, volunteer Army...
This fully updated and expanded third edition is an ideal how-to book for soldiers wanting to attain rank in the service.
The U.S. Army has always touted itself as a capstone developmental experience and still does so today- You made them strong-we'll make them Army Strong. The Army is almost universally...
Describes a methodology for describing the nontechnical skills developed through military training, education, and on-the-job experiences in ways that can help veterans explain to civilian employers the full value they bring to ...
Veterans' Employment Regarding Civilian Credentialing Requirements for Military Job Skills: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Benefits of the Committee on...
Over the last 3 decades, dramatic labor market changes and well-intentioned but uninformed policies have created significant officer talent flight. Poor retention engenders substantial risk for the Army as it...
In the Information Age, jobs are becoming more complex, requiring employees who are agile, inventive, and empathetic.