Describes a methodology for describing the nontechnical skills developed through military training, education, and on-the-job experiences in ways that can help veterans explain to civilian employers the full value they bring to organizations.
Methodology for translating enlisted veterans' nontechnical skills into civilian employers' terms. Santa Monica, CA: RAND. research_reports/ RR1919.html Hardison, C.M., Krueger, T. C., Shanley.
With contributions from leading scholars, this volume informs high-priority workforce effectiveness issues of current and future concern and concrete research, practice, and policy directions to generate novel insights of a multilevel and ...
This report discusses the results of occupation surveys administered to soldiers in selected Army military occupational specialties (MOSs) to assess the level and importance of the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed in these MOSs and ...
What Veterans Bring to Civilian Workplaces: A Prototype Toolkit for Helping Private-Sector Employers Understand the Nontechnical Skills Taught in the...
Between 2000 and 2011, younger veterans were more likely to be unemployed than younger non-veterans.
The authors of this report provide input on the setting of the level of military pay, the relevance of the 70th percentile, and the use of the DECI versus the ECI in setting the annual adjustment to military pay.
In this book, those who have honorably served in the active military, naval, or air service will learn about the services offered at these sites, basic eligibility for health care, and more.
A study of how Air Force enlisted personnel helped shape the fi%ture Air Force and foster professionalism among noncommissioned officers in the 195Os.
The book explores the conceptual framework—defined as both a process and a product—that helps to direct and ground researchers as they work through common research challenges.
Describes the availability of personnel with cyber skills in the private sector and the number of Army reserve component soldiers available to support the Army's cyber mission needs.