Clear, simple, and straightforward handles on connecting youth ministry with family needs. Filled with practical ideas and methods that really work in ministry to the parents and families of teens.
We'll meet at the education center from 9 : 00-9 : 55 a.m. from January 16 through April 8 . ... Sincerely , Susan Susan Pearson Youth Minister Family Covenant We promise to complete this 13 - week study , to arrive promptly to each ...
Experts develop a biblical theology for family ministry to help churches reach all types of families today, from traditional nuclear homes to single-parent, blended, and gay-partner families, and beyond.
Peace and Healing: Making Homes Abuse-free
The Family: The Heart of the Matter /
La familia: la clave de todo /
La famille: l'épicentre de tout /
Many churches already involve parents and families, but most are falling short.
Roger Mehl , Society and Love , Ethical Problems of Family Life , Philadelphia : The Westminster Press , 1964 . PASTORAL CARE AND SMALL GROUPS 26. ... Joseph W. Knowles , Group Counseling , Englewood Cliffs , N.J .
B - 31 Kaplan , David M. and Langsley , Donald G. , TREATMENT OF FAMILIES IN CRISIS , New York : Grune and Stratton , 1968 . B - 45 Satir , Virginia ; Stachowiak , James and Taschman , Harvey A. , HELPING FAMILIES TO CHANGE , New York ...
The Celebration Book