Antitrust laws touch upon a wide range of conduct and business relationships in the delivery of health care services, and the issues that should be of concern to health care organizations are described. Health Care Antitrust provides practical overviews of the principal legal issues relating to health care antitrust, as well as a general understanding of antitrust analysis as applied to contractual relationships and business strategies that present antitrust risks in a managed care environment.
书名原文:Competition law
M.1315 Toyota Motor / Toyota Denmark M.1007 Toyota Motor / Toyota Franco M.1085 Toyota / Walter Frey M.158 Tractebel / Distrigaz M.237 Tractebel / Synatom M.223 Trans Atlantic 393a Transocean Marine Paint Assoc .
Levin , Richard C. , Wesley M. Cohen , and David C. Mowery ( 1985 ) . R & D appropriability , opportunity , and market structure : New evidence on some Schumpeterian hypotheses . American Economic Review , 75 ( 2 ) : 20-24 ...
This is the fully revised 6th edition of EC Antitrust Procedure: a detailed analysis of how the European Commission investigates infringements in EC competition law, with guidance on all aspects of practice and procedure, referenced to the ...
An authority can be considered to be well placed to deal with a case is the following three cumulative conditions are met ... The Commission is particularly well placed if one or several agreement ( s ) or practice ( s ) , including ...
In COMP/M.4919 StatoilHydro/ConocoPhillips the merged group agreed to supply the divested business with petrol and diesel for five years (increased from three years following comments received in the market test), at [232] and [244].
Earle , 1 3 Pet. 5 1 9 ( 1 839 ) , began to weaken in the late nineteenth century but did not fully meet its demise until the twentieth century, as the U.S. Supreme Court increased protection for interstate commerce.
EEC Anti-trust Law: Principles and Practice
See, e.g., Shapiro, supra note 5, at 23-30; Daniel P. O'Brien & Abraham L. Wickelgren, A Critical Analysis of Critical Loss Analysis, 71 ANTITRUST L.J. 161-184 (2003); Michael Katz & Carl Shapiro, Critical Loss: Let's Tell the Whole ...
The Globalization of Antitrust: How Can Private Parties Navigate the World