Here's quick access to more than 490,000 titles published from 1970 to 1984 arranged in Dewey sequence with sections for Adult and Juvenile Fiction. Author and Title indexes are included, and a Subject Guide correlates primary subjects with Dewey and LC classification numbers. These cumulative records are available in three separate sets.
'American Book Publishing Record' Annual Cumulative: A Record of American Book Production As Catalogued by the Library of Congress and...
American Book Publishing Record Annual provides immediate access to the 73,000 cataloging records for the entire year of 2019, for books published or distributed in the US.
Provides immediate access to the 73,000 cataloging records for the entire year of 2021, for books published or distributed in the US.
American Book Publishing Record Annual Cumulative, 2007
American Book Publishing Record Cumulative, 1876-1949: An American National Bibliography
American Book Publishing Record: ABPR cumulative
American Book Publishing Record: Cumulative 2004
American Book Publishing Record: BPR cumulative
American Book Publishing Record: Cumulative 2003