The main aim of this book is to teach D to readers who are new to computer programming. Although having experience in other programming languages is certainly helpful, this book starts from the basics.
As this beautiful book moves from the darkness of grief to vibrant colors of life, readers are invited to reflect on a loved one's life and legacy.
Presents a view of the world in the first century AD, covering such topics as astronomy, geography, art, and zoology.
Today more than half of all new paperbacks AREN'T reprints - they're original works unavailable in hardcover. With some 25,000 new & forthcoming titles & 100,000 entry updates since the...
Fragrant Heart Daily Meditations
Paperbound Books in Print, Spring 1980
Paperbound Books in Print, 1995
Ian had the distinct sense that Sanders was looking to either side to ensure no one was listening before he continued. “Right. I like your focus, son.” “Why do you keep calling me 'son'?” “Um, it's your code name,” Sanders said after ...
"The Jack Reacher Cases by Dan Ames is a thrilling series. Bring me more!"
It's the first comprehensive book of its kind, explaining every step from installing Adobea InDesigna right through to sending the files to press.