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Contains approximately 20,000 mostly English language sources for academic libraries of all sizes.
Best Reference Books, 1981-1985: Titles of Lasting Value Selected from American Reference Books Annual
Kirkpatrick, R., The Divine Comedy, London, Penguin, 2006-7. ... Lampe, G. W. H., ed., The Cambridge History ofthe Bible, II, The West from the Fathers to the Reformation, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1969.
Robert Famighetti . Orig . World Almanac ( 1,322,409 ) * The World Almanac and Book of Facts 1999. Robert Farmighetti . Orig . World Almanac ( 317,003 ) Old Farmer's Almanac 2000. Edited by Judson Hale . Orig .
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Not just in words, but in art, dance, music and silence -- this book is the perfect overview for viewing divinity from every perspective. The history of God cannot possibly...
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It was merged into Lomax - Hannon High School in 1900 . Lomax - Hannon Junior College was founded as Greenville High School . Under Bishop Alstork , who died in 1920 , it was raised to the level of junior college .