3 S. Clarke, “Acculturation and continuity: re-assessing the significance of Romanisation in the hinterlands of Gloucester and Cirencester”, in J. Webster and N.J. Cooper (eds.), Roman Imperialism: Post-Colonial Perspectives, ...
... to commit both hership and slaughter upon the Laird of Luss ; also he persuaded myself with message to war against the Laird of Buchanan which I did refuse , for the which I was continually threatened that he would be my unfriend .
... 153 James 223-225 JULIUS CAESAR , Shakespearean Play 83 JUTLAND ( DENMARK ) , 127 KANSAS CITY , 208 KARNAK , Great Temple Of 80 KAVANAGH , Patrick 223 KEATING , Prime Minister Of Australia 194 KEE , Robert 186 KELLY , Grace 197 John ...
Cong , Co. Mayo , on the shores of Lough Corrib , once the scene of the epic battle of Moytura , has since become better known as the location for John Ford's film The Quiet Man . Alex Williams Ren Tory Island , nine miles off the.
James Carney doggedly held to the general opinion that Christianity had overthrown a pagan druidic order, since he never discovered a reason for giving it up. But he kept on worrying the question! To the end of his life he strained at ...
... sondern auch offene Vermessenheit zu – und all das nur , um Caesars Politik als gemäßigt zu zeichnen . 123 Suet . Aug. 100 , 4 ; Dio LVI 42 , 3. 46 , 2 ; LXXIV 5 , 5 ; Herodian IV 2 , 11 ; K. Latte , Röm . Religionsgeschichte .
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