Developed on the premise that every adult has different learning needs, the Cambridge GED Program offers a flexibility unmatched by any other program. Adults may work solely within the Comprehensive Book, since it's packed with all the GED preparation tools they need -- more test-taking practice than any other program on the market, a variety of test taking tips, writing activities throughout, a complete essay writing section, and so much more. Learners who may need even further instruction in a particular content area can turn to any of the five satellites for more in-depth instruction. Each satellite is accompanied by a helpful Exercise book that offers extra support for each subject. What's more, the entire program is easy to navigate through. Progress charts help adults identify areas where more instruction is needed, and all the components are correlated for easy access! Up-to-date scientific information in biology, earth science, chemistry, and physics.
New Revised Cambridge GED Program
New Revised Cambridge GED Program: Comprehensive Book
The New Revised Cambridge GED Program
New Revised Cambridge GED Program: Exercise Book for Mathematics