A new contribution to a popular homemaker's journal series features the familiar artist's illustrations, spaces for keeping phone numbers and photos, pages for tracking budgets and projects, and jacket pockets for storing important papers.
Sous chef to home cooks and lover to foodies, THE COOKS TOOLKIT is the ultimate cook's diary and planner, a suite of tools cooks use to create their own compendium.
A scrapbook for recording information about important people and events of the school year includes pages for pasting photographs, drawing pictures, and collecting autographs.
Color cover with clear mylar overlay. Inside pages are black and white and printed single-sided.
The sight of ( that pony ) did something to me I've never quite been able to explain . He was more than tremendous strength and speed and beauty of motion . He set me dreaming . -WALT MOREY This one CBQ8 - LQX - RPDS Copyright © 1984 by ...
Offers readers the opportunity to fill in their own nominations for "most talented," "most popular," and many other categories, as well as dispensing advice on frequently-asked questions.
This book is designed for military children so they can keep a living record of their childhood.
A Father's Legacy: Your Life Story in Your Own Words
Packed with writing topic suggestions, lists to complete, ideas for getting the creative juices flowing and lots more fill‐in fun, this is the perfect way for young travellers to record their memories from a trip.
And of course, this essential volume has plenty of room to paste in precious photos and mementos.
Here is what you've always needed to keep track of those home improvements, how much paint or wallpaper you used or when you had something cleaned, repaired or serviced. A chapter for every part of your home, inside and out.