Who's Who in the Midwest 2005
BS in Geology , U. III . , 1974 ; MS in Geology , Northeastern Ill . U. , 1988 ; PhD in Mineral Engring . , Northwestern U. , 1991. Geologist Ill . State Geol . Survey , Urbana , 1974-77 ; asst . supr . Freeman - United Coal Mining Co.
Who's Who in the Midwest, 1984-1985
Who's who in the Midwest
Who's Who in the Midwest, 1978-1979
Who's Who in the Midwest 2011
Who's Who in the Midwest 2015: 41st Ed.
Who's who in the Midwest, 1988-1989
Who's Who in the Midwest 2010
Who's Who: In the East, in the Midwest, in the West, in the South and Southwest