This book seeks to break new ground by providing an original framework within which to understand conservative politics and to compare what has always been thought to be opposite ideal types -- a British conservatism characterized by traditionalism and an American conservatism defined by its optimistic individualism.
The book chronicles the cultural critics and radical disruptors of the 1920s and 1930s, recounts how advocates of laissez-faire economics broke the post 1945 consensus, and describes how Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, and their European ...
"The sharp polarisation of left and right is commonly dwelt on as the big political handicap of our times. Angry divisions on the right itself get less attention. Conservatism fills that gap.
This is a four-volume set.
Reba Soffer examines the subjects, motives, and origins of conservative historians who were also successful public intellectuals.
In a time when many claim that conservatives lack a unified intellectual belief system, this book makes a very strong case to the contrary, one that politically-minded readers will find compelling and refreshing.
Joao Carlos Espada's provocative survey of a group of key Anglo-American and European political thinkers argues that there is a distinctive, Anglo-American tradition of liberty that is one of the core pillars of the Free World.
The conservative writers from whose works extracts are provided include Bolingbroke, Burke, Peel, Shaftesbury, Chamberlain, Macmillan, Butler, Tebbit and Thatcher,but also lesser known figures often ignored by other scholars.The breadth of ...
The American Political Tradition is one of the most influential and widely read historical volumes of our time.
A Critical Appraisal Raymond Plant, Kenneth Hoover. 16 Treasury Green Paper (1984) Cmnd 9189, London: HMSO: 14. 17 For the salience of Rawls« ideas to Labour Party views about social justice, see R. Plant (1981) ...
Underpinned by the work of major thinkers such as Marx, Locke, Weber, Hobbes and Foucault, the first half of the book looks at political concepts including: the state and sovereignty; the nation; democracy; representation and legitimacy; ...