Roland and Romanesque : Biblical iconography in The song of Roland by William R . Cook, Ronald B. Herzman. Wordworth, Coleridge, and Turner by James A.W. Heffe rnan. Alexander Pope and picturesque landscape by James R. Aubrey. The metamorp hosis of the centaur in fifth-century Greek arts and society by Krin Gabbard. F orm and protest in atonal music : a meditation on Adorno by Lucian Krukowski. "That hive of sublety" : "Benito Cereno" as critique of ideology by James H. Kavanagh. Poetry and kingship : Shakespeare's A midsummer night's dream by Leo Pau l S. de Alvarez. Hugh MacDiarmid and the Lenin/Douglas line by Stephen P. Smith .
Language, Literature, Works of Art: The Texts of Our Experience - Philosophy, Language and the Arts - Literature, Music and the Visual Arts - The Art of Translation, Translation among the Arts - Linguistics and Semiotics of Creativity
This book will be essential reading for everybody who cares about the future of the arts in a democratic society.
These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions.
Peter B_rger builds on his earlier Theory of the Avant-Garde (1984), pushing further into key theoretical questions about art and society. Christa B_rger extends the critique to the history of the novel, focusing on Goethe and Kleist.
... 170 , 184 , 255 Rutter , Brad , 49 Scéalextric Simulator , 237-239 , 264 , 278 Schadenfreude , 193 Schmidhuber , Jürgen , 138-139 , 169-170 Schoenberg , Arnold , 143 Schopenhauer , Arthur , 193 Schrodinger , Erwin , 12 , 17 Schubert ...
Includes bibliographical references (page 310) and index.
First Published in 2016. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an Informa company.
Art and Confrontation: The Arts in an Age of Change
The Hector Hyppolite Retrospective Catalogue is an exhaustive source of the mystical work of that iconic Haitian artist. It is a further effort to project Haitian pictural production on the cultural map of the world.
Frederick Carl Frieseke: The Evolution of an American Impressionist. ... Daniel Garber ANA 1910; NA 1913 North Manchester, IN 1880–1958 Lumberville, PA * By Addingham, 1911 Oil on canvas, 251⁄4 × 301⁄8 in ... Pennsylvania Impressionism.