"Written for scholars and students at both the graduate and undergraduate levels with an interest in modern literary studies, this book will also appeal to anyone interested in the Victorian era, biblical studies, the history of ideas, literature and myth, and theology."--BOOK JACKET.
In this book, you will find answers to these questions: - What will the last days be like? - What will happen when Jesus returns? - What is the rapture and when will it occur? - How can I prepare for what is coming?
Like the prophet Joel said, there will be "wonders" in the sky. This book also presents powerful evidence that a nuclear war will cause the world to be covered with dark clouds, threatening to plunge the world into a nuclear winter.
Hope and the Approaching Apocalypse is a book that certainly gets one's attention. William Clark does much more than presenting an apocalyptic belief based on prophecy and science.
Like the prophet Joel said, there will be "wonders" in the sky. This book also presents powerful evidence that a nuclear war will cause the world to be covered with dark clouds, threatening to plunge the world into a nuclear winter.
Miracle Israel: Approaching Hoof Beats of the Apocalypse Earth's Darkest Days Dead Ahead
How will this approaching Armageddon affect us? What can we do to prepare for it? In The Impending Apocalypse, theologian and Bible professor John Claeys draws from his thorough research to reveal the surprising answers.
Argues that social ills are bringing the world to the brink of destruction and that only repentance and religious faith can save humanity
Embracing two thousand years of intense and fiery admonition, "Approaching the Apocalypse" offers students of religion, history and politics the definitive handbook to Doomsday.
Starting with the explosive Kiss Me Deadly, the book examines various apocalyptic scenarios and how each ties together throug issues of displacement and amorality: from teh atomic anziety of The Big Heat and Lady from Shanghai, to the ...
1971?1975: Approaching the Apocalypse