In the Eye of the Storm: Contemporary Theater in Barcelona

In the Eye of the Storm: Contemporary Theater in Barcelona
In the Eye of the Storm
Spanish drama
Bucknell University Press
Sharon G. Feldman


"Barcelona, the cultural epicenter of Catalunya, is presently experiencing the most dynamic and polemical period in its modern theater history. It is the commanding hub of an energetic theater scene that in recent years has witnessed an exuberant outpouring of new dramatists, a steady crescendo in theater attendance, and a continual increase in the international presence of Catalan directors, playwrights, and companies. Barcelona's post-Olympian cultural landscape, moreover, comprises several architecturally striking theater projects. The diversity of opportunities to stage plays in Catalan at an assortment of city spaces is unprecedented, ranging in variety from commercial locales to publicly funded stages to experimental "alternative" venues. Since its origins in the nineteenth century, modem Catalan drama has frequently exhibited a cosmopolitan and even transnational impulse, engaging in an artistic dialogue with international theater traditions of both past and present and forging its identity vis-a-vis its intercultural associations. The path along which the contemporary Catalan theater scene has struggled to recover and reconstitute the professional legitimacy and visibility that it lost during the Franco dictatorship has been a complex process, never lacking in melodramatic excess, witnessed both on and off the stage. The Barcelona stage, throughout its contemporary evolution, has been immersed in a stormy climate, whose relentlessly frenetic atmospheric activity at times may impede one from acquiring the distance necessary to see beyond the hurricane." --Book Jacket.

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