Guide to the Literature of Art History 2

Guide to the Literature of Art History 2
Language Arts & Disciplines / Library & Information Science / General
American Library Association
Alex Ross, Max Marmor


Among the most engaging genres of scholarly literature, art history and architecture history publications appeal to the eye as well as the intellect. In the late 20th century the literature of art history has been documented by two standard reference bibliographies published by the American Library Association: Mary Chamberlin's Guide to Art Reference Books (ALA 1959), and Guide to the Literature of Art History by Etta Arntzen and Robert Rainwater (ALA Editions, 1980). Now, a new supplementary volume, Guide to the Literature of Art History 2 (ALA Editions, 2004) has arrived to record and annotate the best art and architecture books and journals published worldwide in the last two decades of the 20th century. supplement its predecessor by recording important publications produced primarily in western languages. Adopting the chapter and numbering system of the first volume, GLAH 2 will help art scholars keep abreast of more recent publications in art and architectural history. An expert team of 24 contributors has come together with editors Max Marmor and Alex Ross to produce this significant work, featuring new titles, volumes, editions, and reprints, while providing ample cross referencing to GLAH 1. and Cultural Heritage, which covers the literature of art preservation and art law. Librarians and scholars will welcome the new collection development information, including: The best electronic art and architectural history sources. Cumulative 40-year bibliography of art history literature, with GLAH 1. Critical selection of nearly all literature in art history, primarily in Western European languages, since 1977. Resources for art historians outside their areas of specialization. architectural literature for the last two decades of the 20th century, Guide to the Literature of Art History 2 is the authoritative, must-have resource for all art history students, institutions, and agencies.

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