Valerie Richardson, “Obama Helped Defeat Anti-Affirmative Action,” Washington Times, November 8, 2008, -helped-defeat-anti-affirmative-action. 5. See American Library Association, ...
They also agreed to have a joint meeting with the library's accountant to review the budget systems they ... 113–20; and Pixey Ann Mosley, Transitioning from Librarian to Middle Manager (Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2004), 67–81.
They focus on daily, real-world practices with: Specific strategies for brand-new supervisory staff; Tips for encouraging a positive work ethic, maintaining productivity, and building teamwork; Proven advice on practical supervisory issues ...
Employee Gr evance Procedure. A process employees can go through if they feel they have been treated badly or unfairly. Employee Performance Evaluat on System. The method used to assess an employee's job performance.
This comprehensive handbook Fundamentals of Library Supervision and Control addresses the fundamental issues facing new managers.
Guiding supervisors through the intricate process of managing others, this comprehensive handbook addresses the fundamental issues facing new managers.
“Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938. ... Accessed May 22, 2017. -and-compliance/employment-law/pages/fairlaborstandardsactof1938.aspx. ... Accessed May 18, 2017.
Topics given special attention include skills required to implement and support participative management, team management, leadership, self management, change management, strategic planning, job design, performance measurement, negotiation ...
... and specific types of writing (including reports, letters, e-mailing, and writing for journals and the web). Harty, Kevin J., ed. 2011. Strategiesfor Business and Technical Writing. 7th ed. Boston: Pearson/Longman.
Addressing the basic skills good library managers must exercise throughout their careers, this edition includes a completely new chapter on management ethics.
The Special Librarian as a Supervisor Or Middle Manager