Explains the essential points of a collection policy statement, and prescribes language and measures for these policies
周氏壮年得意,继而失足落水,以致晚景凄凉,落寞以终,让人唏嘘不已。新近苏州借展天津博物馆藏二十世纪名家作品,在展厅里看到了金城、周肇祥、祁昆(井西)、萧愻(谦中)、萧骏贤、林纾等人之作,其中周退翁是一轴山水,款作“癸亥三月,周肇祥写于退谷”, ...
Tim Wadham, author of the highly recommended (REFORMA) and invaluable (Booklist) how-to, Programming with Latino Children's Materials (1999), returns with this all new guide for children's and school librarians. He...
Business information is in strong demand by a wide range of library patrons. Academic librarians must meet the needs of undergraduates, graduates, and faculty who require information about businesses for...
Building Library Collections
This updated edition is a comprehensive guide to current reference materials for school media centres. The 54 subject categories include recommended reference resources in all curricular areas and for many...
The readers' advisory renaissance of the past few decades has focused almost exclusively on fiction. However, many readers relish nonfiction, not just for the information it imparts, but for reading...
Collection Development is a compilation of 20 papers that explore the assumption that mission affects policy. To what extent do the unique features and mission of the small college library...
This new addition to the ARBA In-depth series provides focused help in building children's and young adult collections. More than 300 critical reviews of quality reference titles by subject experts...