... 99-48290 CIP Encyclopedia of the Renaissance : v.1 : Abrabanel - civility v.2 : Class - Furió Ceriol v.3 : Galen - Lyon v.4 : Machiavelli - Petrarchism v.5 : Peucer - Sforza v.6 : Shakespeare - Zwingli , ed . by Paul F. Grendler .
The current volume also covers a five-year period, 2007-2011 (the previous five-year period was skipped).
Today, however, Great Books reading groups are gaining popularity, and once again discussion groups are meeting regularly in libraries. A Great Idea at the Time: The Rise, Fall, and Curious Afterlife of the Great Books, ...
Contains approximately 20,000 mostly English language sources for academic libraries of all sizes.
Virtual Roots 2.0 : A Guide to Genealogy and Local History on the World Wide Web . rev . ed . Wilmington , Del . , Scholarly Resources , 2003. 311p . $ 29.95pa . ( w / CD - ROM ) . ISBN 0-8420-2923-0 . Kemp , Chair of ALA's Genealogy ...
Women in Latin American Studies: Reshaping the Boundaries : Papers of the Forty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the...
Identifying the resources in major subject areas and genres, this title it shows students how to approach the reference query by matching specific types of questions to the most appropriate...
The release of these hearings on their 50th anniversary marks the largest opening of documents related to the ... Volumes II and III of the 2000–2001 Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States , William J. Clinton were ...
Although Li Yü recognized the low status of prostitutes , whom no respectable man would take as a wife , he insisted that men could love them and bring them home as concubines . For Li Yü , love and marriage were two different matters .
... 1998–2002, and editor of the book series Memorias de la Represi ́on. Jelin is the academic director of the “N ́ucleo ... Outstanding Title Award for her first book, Then I Was Black: South African Political Identities in Transition (2000) ...
... Sarah Sutton (born 12 December 1961) is a British actress best known for her role as Nyssa in the BBC science fiction television series Doctor Who. Nyssa was a companion of Tom Baker and Peter Davison's Doctors from 1981 to 1983.