This is the latest in a series of annual publications that describe the collections, staffing, expenditures and service activities of academic libraries in all Carnegie classifications. The three-volume set includes Associate of Arts institutions, Master ́ђةs Colleges and Universities/Baccalaureate Colleges, and Research/Doctoral-granting Institutions. The 2011 data show that while the percentage of library expenditures for collection materials increased slightly over 2010, the amount spent on e-books increased dramatically.
... U PA Chicago STU Chicago Theo Sem Chippewa V Tech C Chris Newport U Christian Brothers U Christian Heritage C Cincinnati ST Tech & City U - WA Clark C - WA Clarke C - IA Clarkson C - NE Clarkson U - NY Clearwater Christian Cleveland ...
This is a quantitative methods, exploratory study to compare students' perceptions regarding information literacy abilities and their demonstrated skills.
Explores which collection assessment methods, measures, and practices are employed by ARL member libraries.
Modular planning for college and small university libraries
The LibQUAL + TM Challenge : An Academic Medical Center's Perspective , Duke University Richard Peterson Beverly Murphy Stephanie Holmgren Patricia L. Thibodeau SUMMARY . In March 2002 , the Duke University Medical Center Library ...
Information Technology and the Remaking of the University Library
Resources and Research in the Msu Libraries
Provides an annotated list of books about birth control, vitamins, television, stress, health, small business, reading, career planning, parenting, nutrition, law, investment, and human relations
Burgess, Dean. “The Library Has Blown Up!” LibraryJournal 114, no. 16 (1989): 59–61. Burst, Deb. “The New Ice Age.” Fine Books & Collections, Sept/Oct (2007): 59–61. Butler, Randall. “The Inland Empire Libraries Disaster Response ...
Losee, Robert M. 1997. “A Discipline Independent Definition of Information.” Journal of the American Societyfor Information Science 48, no. 3: 254-69. Lycan, william g., ed.. 1990. Mind and Cognition. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.