P : Penny is a physician R : Ralph is a physician The argument presented in SL is : ~ ( PvR ) ~ P The truth table analysis is : Pr Cn P R PVR ~ ( PVR ) ~ P T T T F F T F T F F FT T F T F F F T T By looking carefully at the truth table ...
To H.B. Curry: Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda Calculus, and Formalism
Brynmor Jones Library , Hull University for the Records of the Union of Democratic Control ; the British ... the E. D. Morel letters and the Graham Wallas letters ) ; King's College , Cambridge ( the letters of Goldsworthy Lowes ...
本书共分三个部分,第一部分介绍了一些在线的逻辑软件的使用以及逻辑软件LPL Software的使用;第二部部分介绍了命题逻辑;第三部分介绍了量词逻辑.
本书是作者从事哲学研究积淀下来的思想, 这种课题:含义, 理解, 命题, 逻辑等概念, 数学基础, 意识状态, 等等.
The Collected Works of Ludwig Wittgenstein
本书从符号系统的原则和任何语言中词和事物之间必须具有的关系出发, 将这种考察的结果应用于传统哲学的各部分.
This book is written for students who have taken calculus and want to learn what "real mathematics" is.
Introduction to Mathematical Logic and Resolution Principle
Mathematical Logic