This is because American political behavior has become substantially more nationalized.
In this edition, the author addresses the escalating ideological conflict, the rise of extremism in the Republican Party, arguments over the proper role of government, the public’s expectations of politicians and political processes, and ...
The Persistence of Corruption in American Politics Larry Sabato, Glenn R. Simpson ... ( New York : Simon and Schuster , 1977 ) ; and Sam J. Ervin , The Whole Truth : The Watergate Conspiracy ( New York : Random House , 1980 ) . 18.
... the degree of attention to the issue of smoking and tobacco reflected in the two sources is similar , with a Pearson's correlation of 73 for the sixteen years for which we have collected data from both sources .
Keeping the Republic, Brief Edition, draws students into the study of American politics, showing them how to think critically about "who gets what, and how" while exploring the twin themes of power and citizenship.
Conveying how the American political system is both extraordinary and complex, the authors explain in a simple and straightforward way that there is a rationale embedded in the U.S. political...
Where did the Era of Divided Government come from? What sustains split partisan control of the institutions of American national government year after year? Why can it shift so easily...
Koenig, 1996, p.181 Koenig hasin mindthat total presidential control of the bureaucracy could and sometimes does lead to presidential abuse ofthatpower. President Nixon,for example, put pressure upon the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ...
Indeed, the caricature of elderly white-haired Southerners lording over all and sundry on Capitol Hill was not far from the truth, as evidenced by such figures as Richard Russell of Armed Services, Russell Long of Finance, ...
He was, in fact, the first newly elected president since Zachary Taylor in 1849 to face a Congress completely in the hands of the political opposition. Even by picking up five seats in the Senate, the Republicans cut the Democratic ...