312 Constantine defeats Maxentius , son of former emperor Maximian , at the battle of Milvian Bridge . With this victory , he becomes the absolute ruler of the western Roman Empire . 303 Armenia is the first state to adopt Christianity ...
Educational ecosystems for societal transformation (Global Education Futures Report). MacCulloch, D. (2005). ... McDonnell, M. J., & Pickett, S. T. A. (1993). ... Assessing 21st century skills: Summary of a workshop.
An up-to-date, systematic depiction of Bronze Age societies of the Levant, their evolution, and their interactions and entanglements with neighboring regions.
The ideal book for people who want to increase their word power.
A new standard in single-volume encyclopedia that features over 25,000 entries. Includes more than 2,500 illustrations, completely up-to-date maps and charts, and is completely cross-referenced.
Family, friendship, and the spirit of giving are at the heart of this inspiring picture book.
This book examines the social, economic and political issues of public health provision in historical perspective.
A revised and updated guide to reference material. It contains selective and evaluative entries to guide the enquirer to the best source of reference in each subject area, be it...
Unlike many previous works, this book does not focus only on warfare but examines violence as a broader phenomenon.
Johnson and Nicholas, 'Male and Female Living Standards in England and Wales, 1812–1867', 470–81; Robert J. Barro, 'Democracy and Growth', Journal of Economic Growth 1 (1996), 1–27; Jakob B. Madsen, James B. Ang, and Rajabrata Banerjee, ...
In addition to the World population prospects, published every two years, the United Nations periodically prepares supplementary world population projections referred to as long-range projections. The Population Division has adopted...