The Path to Serenity

The Path to Serenity
Self-Help / Personal Growth / General
T. Nelson
Paul Meier, Robert Hemfelt, Frank Minirth


" "We've found that our patients have had difficulty walking through the Twelve-Step process into full recovery without the involvement of a God who has a name, a face, and a history of interacting with people just like them," says Drs. Hemfelt, Fowler, Minirth, and Meier. "They wonder, 'If the god in Step Two is just as lost as I am, how can He help me to take control of my life?' The God of the Bible however, does have a name, a face, and a history of relating to His people from the beginning of times. His name is Jesus Christ. He is the One who walks hand-in-hand with our patients through the Twelve-Step process." He is also the One you need at the center of your recovery process in order to successfully complete the Twelve Steps. As you travel along "The Path to Serenity" you will meet several people who have successfully completed the Steps by following this advice. You will be introduced to Andy, a workaholic; Martin, an alcoholic; Kathryn, an obsessive-compulsive overeater; and others as they walk through the Twelve Steps. As you follow them on their journey, you will learn exactly how each of the Steps can work for you on YOUR journey to total recovery." -- back cover.

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