A noncommercial protein sequencing instrument. Analysis of amino acid phenylthiohydantoins by gas chromatography. Advances in the gas chromatographic analysis of amino acid phenyl- and methyl-thiolhydantoins. Gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) of amino acid derivatives. Quantitative procedures for use with the Edman-Begg sequenator: partial sequences of two unusual immunoglobulin light chains, Rzf and Sac...
This book is the ultimate NMR guide for researchers in the biomedical community and gives not only background and practical tips but also a forward looking view on the future of NMR in systems biology.
... 1994, PUZZLE: a new method for automated protein docking based on surface shape complementarity, J. Mol. Biol. 235:1021–1031. Ho, C.M.W., and Marshall, G.R., 1993, SPLICE: a program to assemble partial query solutions from ...
This text offers in-depth perspectives on every aspect of protein structure identification, assessment, characterization, and utilization, for a clear understanding of the diversity of protein shapes, variations in protein function, and ...
Prediction of Protein Structures, Functions and Interactions presents a comprehensive overview of methods for prediction of protein structure or function, with the emphasis on their availability and possibilities for their combined use.
Another important development to consider, is the automated analysis of NMR data. ... 9.1 Limitations of modern NMR spectroscopy Similar to other methods of structure determination, the accuracy of protein structures determined by NMR ...
Wiley-Liss, New York. Huang, Y. J., Moseley, H. N., Baran, M. C., Arrowsmith, C., Powers, R., Tejero, R., Szyperski, T., and Montelione, G. T. (2005). An integrated platform for automated analysis of protein NMR structures. Methods ...
The book also discusses the current technological limitations that can be viewed as an emerging market rather than a research bottleneck.
Many methods have been developed for identifying 3D motifs and for searching structures for their occurrence. ... M (2005a) Query3d: a new method for high-throughput analysis of functional residues in protein structures.
A new method for building protein conformations from sequence alignments with homologs of known structure . J Mol Biol 217 : 1-7 , 1991 . 60 . ... An automated method of modeling proteins on known templates using distance geometry .
All other peptides will not be coupled with this procedure and will not sequence! ... Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, pp 108-116 Salnikow J, Palacz Z, Wittmann-Liebold B (1987) Automated solid-phase sequencing using fluorescent ...