Reproduction of the original: The Children of the Poor by Jacob A. Riis
This book examines why such normative discourses of childhood are in need of radical revision and explores how development research and practice can work to ‘unsettle’ the global child.
The original 1985 edition of Children of the Poor Clares was the first book to expose the reality of the treatment of children placed in church care in Irelands post-independence horrendous industrial school system.
A Roadmap to Reducing Child Poverty reviews the research on linkages between child poverty and child well-being, and analyzes the poverty-reducing effects of major assistance programs directed at children and families.
The Children of the Poor: Representations of Childhood Since the Seventeenth Century
Education for Children of the Poor: A Study of the Origins and Implementation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act...
Behind from the Start examines the link between America's shaming, blaming, and marginalizing of poor parents, and our punitive welfare policies that jeopardize the life chances of vulnerable young children, thereby maintaining the cycle of ...
Curry asks one morning. “Does probation go on your record?” asks Dasani, who sits in the front row. “Absolutely,” says Curry. Often his students ask questions tinged with personal worry. Many have a parent or an older sibling in prison.
But statistics alone tell little of the story. In Invisible Americans, Jeff Madrick brings to light the often invisible reality and irreparable damage of child poverty in America.
The book delves into the underlying reasons for this difference, examining the mix of earnings and government transfers, such as child allowances, sickness and maternity benefits, unemployment insurance, and other social assistance programs ...